BB Trees Ltd - Tree and Woodland Consultancy
Why manage your woodland?
- For wildlife
- For recreation
- For your health and wellbeing
- For sustainable timber production
- To enhance the value of your property
If you want your woodland to thrive, you should commission a woodland management plan.
Based on your objectives for your woodland, I’ll develop a management plan detailing the actions you need to take to make your woodland what you want it to be.
In your woodland management plan, I’ll look at what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and what you need to do to achieve this with timescales for key operations. I’ll look at your short and long term objectives and we’ll set a review date to make sure everything remains on track.
I have many years’ experience particularly in the management of smaller, mixed woodlands with diverse objectives. I am also conversant with the requirements of the Forestry Act 1967 and can advise or apply for a Felling Licence on your behalf.