07949 797656 ben@bbtrees.co.uk

BB Trees Ltd - Tree and Woodland Consultancy

We need trees

They improve the visual amenity of the areas where we live and work. They provide important wildlife benefits. They are effective in reducing glare, providing shade and screening, reducing wind and noise attenuation. And they promote our health and wellbeing.

Trees, planning and BS5837

If you’re planning a development you must comply with BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations and consider all trees on the site and nearby regardless of their protected status and whether or not you need planning permission.

The British Standard has tree care at its heart and contains a sequence of events that should be followed to ensure that trees are considered during all stages of development planning.

You’ll need a Pre-Development Tree Survey. However, you may also need an Arboricultural Impact Assessment and an Arboricultural Method Statement.

Need to comply with BS5837?

Pre-Development Tree Survey

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Arboricultural Method Statement

What does BS5837 cover?

BS5837, the British Standard for Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations applies to all trees that could be affected by a development from the planning stage through to the construction phase.

BS5837 covers the following areas:

  • The initial topographical survey
  • Soil assessment to inform decisions concerning root protection areas, tree protection, new planting design and foundation design
  • The pre-development tree survey
  • Calculation of the root protection area of the trees surveyed
  • Constraints caused by existing trees and factors to consider
  • Recommendations for the location of structures near to trees
  • The arboricultural impact assessment to evaluate and mitigate the effects of the development on trees
  • The tree protection plan to consider the effect of the demolition and construction phases on the trees and what must be put in place to protect them
  • Recommendations for new planting and associated landscape operations
  • The arboricultural method statement detailing how operations must be carried out to safeguard the trees during the demolition and construction phases of the development
  • Specifications for tree protection barriers and ground protection measures
  • Site monitoring
  • Avoiding physical damage to the roots of existing trees during demolition or construction
  • Tree protection measures to be used during demolition
  • Installation of permanent hardstanding within the root protection area of a tree
  • Engineering methods to be used for foundations within the root protection area of a tree

Purchase a copy of BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations

Need to comply with BS5837?